Rehoboth Beach

Rehoboth Beach
I want the pink one!

Bethany Beach, DE

Bethany Beach, DE
June 2011

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hurray for snow... and letting go!

We did get a few feet of snow over the weekend, and I am done apologizing for my blogging (or lack of) skills... This is a new goal I have- to be kind to myself! So far it is going very well... I actually scheduled and got my OWN haircut, and I'm not saying awful things about myself when I look in the mirror! No more berating myself for not exercising EVERY DAY, and when I eat something yummy, but way too fattening, I'm enjoying it without reservation. Along with that, I am eating better and actually wanting to walk the dog. What is it with us women expecting ourselves to be perfect, then when we fall short (big surprise), we beat ourselves up thoroughly? I found myself feeling guilty for laying in bed- WHEN I HAD THE FLU!!! Okay, come on, that is too much... So, I saw a book at the library about caring for ourselves from the inside out, I promptly checked it out and opened it up; within the first chapter there is a challenge to make a pledge to yourself (type it up and save it) to treat yourself as your own good friend! Wow, what a concept. It's not like I've never heard of it (try, "Love thy neighbor as thyself...") but for some reason I just forgot about it. Maybe it's just a natural cause and effect of having children who we would do anything for, even give up our own needs (selves) for. Well, there has to be some way to balance it out- so we take care of our own real needs first, then we are better able to function and take care of those we love. In my pondering and studying, I have realized that I can easily neglect myself, criticize myself, and become way to hard on myself because of it all. Maybe it's the age... Or the fact that my oldest child is approaching adulthood himself! I read somewhere of the irony of our children struggling through the teenage years, right when we mothers start struggling with our own sense of identity. I am letting go of unrealistic expectations of myself and enjoying life more on a day to day basis, because it's good for me. More reaching out to others, more forgiveness of my own weaknesses, more love for God (and just as important, accepting his unconditional love for me) and more gratitude for the magnificent blessings he gives to me... Ahhhhh, it's divine! (Along with all of that white powdery stuff we have tons of!)


  1. Amen to everything you said. All to often I get caught up in what I am not doing (or looking like) as apposed to what I am doing. I think we give our selves far less credit than we deserve.

    Thanks for the pep talk! I needed it this morning!

  2. hey! good for you chica! that has been my motto for a LONG time. life is too short to beat ourselves up over dumb things that really don't matter! cheers to you! hope all is well and that you are doing just that. my new saying (that my girls always roll their eyes at) is "do your best and forget about the rest." got it from a workout dvd, but totally works for all aspects of life. keep posting and have a magnificient summer!!!
